BraFTI Lab

The BraFTI Lab focuses on developing imaging methods to characterize brain fluid compartments, tissue microstructure, and neurofluid dynamics in health and disease. By perturbing brain fluid compartments, BraFTI aims to develop novel therapeutic and diagnostic approaches.


The brain fluidic system is partitioned into cerebrospinal (CSF), interstitial (ISF), intracellular, and intravascular fluid compartments. Homeostasis of the brain relies on the intricate balance and exchange between these distinct yet interconnected compartments. These compartments are dynamic and undergo substantial change with brain development and aging, and in neurodegenerative disorders and neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS). MRI has the unique capability to disentangle signal from these compartments by leveraging characteristic diffusion, flow, and tissue relaxation properties. The core missions of BraFTI is to (i) develop and validate neuroimaging biomarkers of brain fluid compartments to study brain health and disease both at the bench and bedside and (ii) develop tools to manipulate brain fluid dynamics for enhanced drug delivery and liquid biopsy using MR-guided focused ultrasound (FUS) and other methods. To realize these missions, BraFTI has two interdependent preclinical and translational/clinical wings.